Tag Archive | underwhelmed

End of Week 6

I feel this is the point where I start to see the end of term and my to do list for final projects begins to make me panic.  The feeling is more of being underwhelmed rather than overwhelmed because on some level I want to throw my hands up and just let others take over as I feel I cannot contribute or if I do that I am needing others to give input and I feel I am not receiving it in a timely fashion.  I do realize I set unrealistic standards and some of my failings are to due to poor communication.  What do I do now to work towards feeling less underwhelmed and more successful?

To start myself on the right foot again, getting some reading done will help and making sure I have set aside the time to do it.  This weekend has gotten packed with local activities, housesitting, working the I & You show, homework, play reading, and dealing with my car being in the shop and not having enough funds to cover this emergency expense.  I can see where I am getting anxious as I was to complish everything and do it well, be everywhere and make myself and others happy but am I doing justice to anyone in the end?  There are TV shows I want to catch up on but they play at times where I have to be working and are they really important?  (To me they are as they help me escape.)  I have a group project and our team wants to meet but when and where has gotten complicated as our schedules are all over the place and I feel I complicate it with all of the other things I have agreed to do.  Where do I cut back?  I have entrenched myself somewhere and I do not always know how to get out or make sure I am prioritizing my projects correctly.  Ehhh…

Hoping for more productivity in Week 7 and to set a schedule for my new job with University Theatre, I like consistancy and predictability, not knowing when things will happen makes me batty.  An early Victory Mimosa may be in order.