Recap of my learning goals for this term:
“What I am hoping to learn over the next 10 weeks is to be able to effectively market an exsisting organziation, further my research on Free Shakespeare in the Park and advance its presence in the community, and to demonstrate my skills from the prior course as they relate to each other.
Another objective will be to continue to improve my communication skills in a group setting as we work towards a common goal.”
I feel I have achieved many of these goals especially in the regards to working with FSitP. By using some of the techniques in posting content onto Facebook, I have been able to grow their presence on this individual social media platform but I know I can work to give them a better presence over time. I look forward to the feedback on my marketing plan for FSitP to see if any of the ideas will be able to go into practice, and I am currently working on securing an internship for the summer and have been able to use my previous course work to demonstrate my skills.
As to how I have achieved my other skill in working in group settings, this term was much less stressful but at times I struggled in that we did not meet out of class or there was little communication coming from other members. This was a challenge that I feel unresolved about.
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