Media Inventory: what media channels does your chosen “brand” draw on? how are these deployed? You will generate and post a short synopsis (with links, where appropriate) illustrating the range of media utilized by the brand you want to explore in your case study analysis. (Taken from the website:
Free Shakespeare in the Park has long used the available media forms of print and radio by producing PSAs and either submitting them by mail but most recently, PSAs are emailed to newspaper, radio, and TV contacts. FSitP has also used online “community calendars” provided by organizations like OPB, KVAL, and KMTR. Newpaper outlets like the Register Guard and Eugene Weekly have featured images to help attract an audience.
Register Guard:
Old articles/community calendars: Aug. 1, 2014, Aug. 3, 2014, Aug. 9, 2014, Aug. 15, 2014, Aug. 22, 2014
Eugene Weekly:
Old PR image from 2005! 2002!!
Old articles: 2014, another 2014, 2013, another 2013, 2007
Miscellaneous online sites:
Eugene Springfield Safe Routes to School
Henry VIII Commercial (YouTube)
Much ado About Nothing Audience Video (YouTube)
Much ado About Nothing Commerical (YouTube)
Much ado About Nothing Photo Compliation (You Tube)
Flickr (Photographers Norman Goo, OD and Donovan Werts)
Starting about 2009/2010, the organization starting using Facebook to communicate to actors and audiences via the Group option but have now moved over to a more informative style of the Facebook page. In 2013, FSitP utilized the crowd sourcing site Kickstarter for fundraise for the purchase of 6 head worn wireless microphones, see campaign here.
Doing a Google Search does bring up many other Shakespeare in the Park options but as the Free Shakespeare in the Park of Eugene, OR, there are other pages promoting the company such as Eugene a Go-Go, audience blogs (Anthony St Clair, Big Yellow Ric Rac, Janet Naylor) and other online calendars ( [1], [2]) FSitP has also participated with Arts and Economic Prosperity of Eugene in 2011 and has been the receiptant of grants through the Lane County Cultural Coalition.
While having a range of coverage through newspaper, TV, radio, and online presence through social media, I feel a dedicated website or blog would benefit this organization and allow audience members to not feel obligated to have a Facebook account. There has been an email list generated over the years but I have not seen a mailed newsletter, should this still be a practice done by the Artistic Producing Director. Developing a blog and having an e-newsletter may make the company more visible throughout the year and help build a stronger audience base.
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