This page is dedicated to the in-house glossary or lexicon that myself and my cohort will create as part of our studies in Media, Marketing, and Communication. Periodic updates will occur. –Taken from the site
Environment – location, generally physical or can be intangible. Sound, people, trees, ocean, land, sky, and grass are examples of a physical environment. Education, serenity, and fun are environments that are intangible but can be held in a physical environment.
Technology – advancements in human knowledge in physical form. Examples: wheel, pins, screws, aqueducts, computers, compasses, paper, written language, paints, paint brushes, fire, domestication of animals, cars, bicycles, refrigerators, radio, electricity, television, cellphones, etc. The importance of these words is that as technology advances, a process or environment can be altered. How we ask for time is no longer about reading the sun or sundial, but looking at a clock, watch, or cellphone. Growing corn has changed in their process due to technology. Environments change when technology is added, like a library for example. Locating books, articles, and magazines are organized more efficiently or you have access to sources from other parts of the country or the world. Of all the three words, process resonates deeply with me as I see myself going through a process of learning. My process is taking place in a new environment and I am being exposed to new technologies, something I am enjoying everyday.
Transparency: being able to see through to another object. I think of transparency as not really being present, something is there but not everyone acknowledges what they see. I hear the song “Mr. Cell-o-phane” from the musical CHICAGO when I think of transparency (and election season). In the world of printing, it means something has a layer placed over top a color to reduce it’s presence, not wrap it in cellophane.
Quality: varying levels of satisfaction, from poor to great. Quality can be in the time spent in developing a service or good or it can be the general appearance/creation of an object. Food, medical/hospitality care, customer service, cars, clothing, etc. each have a relative quality to themselves and each person my have a different level of satisfaction associated with that good or service. A restaurant may get a review from someone saying the food was cold and unflavored where another person may review and say their food was hot and delicious. Controlling the quality of an output means being observant in your task and ensuring if any process or system is not working correctly in order to provide a desired level of quality for both the producer and the consumer.
Emily Payne on 23 Oct 2014 at 3:23 am
Convergence: the act of coming together, a unification or melding of physical or theoretical events. I envision convergence as large flocks of birds landing in the same small spit of land. Like seagulls converging on your beach picnic looking for fries or Cheetos to steal. After reading the Media Life article, convergence is the intersecting of mediums and expectations from art and interacting with the art.
Connections: the bond one makes with another person, object, or experience.
Identity: self realization of a person or way to classify an entity. A way to make sense of objects or to have ownership of a person or animal. I honestly struggled to define these meanings without using the word itself. Connections and Identity are not the most flushed out words because I cannot always put into words something I sense or feel. Connections are invaluable to me because they can be a way of building a support system for one’s life or career. Identity brings up my past experience of being teased for my last name and portraying Marie Antoinette for a school play. I take pride in being a Payne (not a pain) and being able to have speaking lines at age 9 was a really, REALLY big deal. So to use these words in context, the convergence of the words connections and identity bring up past experiences that makes me want to prove to myself that I am awesome, no matter what!
Emily Payne on 31 Oct 2014 at 11:30 pm
Judgement: an assumption or a mandate of something/someone. Judgement can have both positive and negative consequences as we see in courts of law but in judging something, we are discerning what is a truth. I really like how this word is being considered a skill for new forms of participation. Being able to judge was is true or false matters greatly online. Examples are Gamersgate and the guy from Canada and the women who are coming forward about his treatment of them.
Participatory: the act or function of participating. When an event or action allows for involvement. When I think of this word, I think of TV actors doing Live Tweeting during their shows to connect with fans.
Atmosphere: ambience or physical/psychological space around a person or object. Atmosphere can be described in both positive and negative adjectives. The physical representation of atmosphere is the ozone layer around the Earth. Some atmospheres enable creativity and participation in the arts, some atmospheres can do the opposite but still be the same physical location, it just depends on the individual.
Character: personification of one’s self. A person in a play. The letter or number or symbol in a document.
# Emily Payne on 11 Nov 2014 at 6:42 pm
Choice: ability to select one option over another. Outcome of a decision making process through thoughtful evaluation or instinctual sense. Being able to decide what a product or service does for you by either visually seeing, hearing, or feeling the product or service. The choice to either attend a theatre production versus a film may depend on factors as, “I love this playwright,” “My friend is in the show,” or “nothing looks good at the cinema.”
Sustainability: maintaining levels or feeding back into various aspects of a business, service, or product. I think of Burgerville and the number of paper goods they use which are compostable and thereby sustaining the Earth. I also think of being a self-funded organization that reduces it’s reliance on outside income.
Innovation: being “cutting edge,” utilizing new technology in new ways or being able to connect with consumers in non-traditional formats. I think of the use of Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram to reach people for upcoming events or to get the word out about their experiences to then entice others to attend.
emily payne on 21 Nov 2014 at 12:28 am
Omnipresence- I really love this word! The idea of an overarching voice that tells a story has been a word that I have been moved by for a very long time. First hearing of omnipresence must have happened between 5th and 8th grade when the types of required reading generated more complex vocabulary and literary terms. My favorite omnipresent style of writing comes from the Harry Potter books. Omnipresence in media may be applied in how information is to be conveyed to the viewer but I am unsure how it could apply, my best guess would be for a PSA.
Communication- “How to say/emote/sign thoughts, ideas, information, and noise to other people or animals.” I feel communication is this elevated form of talking to another human and it feels negative. “I had to communicate to Jerry today that his BO is bothering other actors.” Sure, the words talk or discuss could be used but it comes out more dignified or being at a higher level. To me, communication is a natural function and we all either excel at it or struggle with it. I honestly know I am in the “struggle boat.”
Distance- Space either physical or emotional. Physical distance can be measured in miles, kilometers, inches, pixels; emotional distance can be measured in days, tears, Ben & Jerry’s containers, fewer dreams about that person/pet/incident. Distance in the marketing/media sense would be more physical as in the distance between two letters or sentences or where the event/programming is taking place. Distance can be a factor as to whether someone will participate in the activity or not. Going to a concert in Seattle on a Wednesday night at 8pm then having to be at work the next day in Eugene by 9am may not be an option. Sorry Backstreet Boys.
Emily Payne on 04 Dec 2014 at 11:38 pm
Composition: the arrangement or placement of images, sounds, plants, or objects that either create a pleasing appearance or sound. The composition of images may evoke a feeling or memory. I think of sheet music and how terrified I was the first day of the 6th grade as I was the only kid in class who had not worked with the instructor before an the music we were to play looked really hard just by how the notes appeared on the page. I also think of flower arrangements and the practice of ikebana and bonsai. Both have philosophical practices in them but it is about the arrangement of a plant to create a specific image, composing them by how they grow or by their meaning.
Rhythm: repetitive motion or sound. Can be used to maintain a constant level of noise or ensure a dancer or musician is on beat with the music. Rhythm does not always manifest visually for me except in dance where the rhythm in the music can dictate the dancer’s movements.
Domestic: home, local, not imported. I think of domestic as a kitchen where things are being created and smells can vary. I think of my mom and coming into the house and smelling cookies or dinner. Domestic beer is what is made in America but now I think of micro-brews from Eugene or the PNW.
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