Taking a look back at what were the anticpated goals from the first week of class and determining if I have fulfilled them by week 10.
“During my exploration of the Arts in Society, I would like to learn…”
- Exposure to younger members of society – We were able to discuss participation in class but we never really discovered ways or methods to ensure art exposure happens at a young age.
- Generating feelings of acceptance for all art forms – I am still pretty much the same I was at week 1, I just misunderstood the purpose of the class, but upside were the module presentations that had videos from Disney movies or included coloring.
- How to provide the arts to various cross sections of society – Again, I thought this was a methods style class and we would generate more answers than questions. What I was able to take away was that there is an ongoing effor to get the arts out there but it comes down to accessibility and place.
- Plan effective means of arts engagement – I must be really looking for answers or just did not grasp the purpose of the class at the beginning of the term, either way, I have been exposed to questions I can continuely engage to answer during my career as an arts administrator.
- Analyize social media’s impact on the arts – Hmmm, we never really got into numbers though we had the one figure about songs from albums that are on an iPod and what the stack would look like.
- Create appreciation for local organizations – These would have been great learning objectives for Cultural Admin and not for Art in Society. I learned stuff but yeah, not what others probably learned.