Interested in Writing for ARTSblog? Upcoming Emerging Leaders Blog Salon Accepting Proposals Now!
Each year, Americans for the Arts hosts the Emerging Leaders Blog Salon on ARTSblog. Our next one is just around the corner and we want you to participate!
What is a blog salon you ask? Our weeklong blog salons consist of a series of posts by a selected group of guest bloggers, focusing on an overarching theme within an area of work, including emerging leaders, arts education, public art, private sector work, and more. Past Emerging Leaders Blog Salons have investigated looking at emerging ideas in the field, new methods and models within the arts, and beyond.
This year, our blog salon prompt asks emerging leaders nationwide to address what would make their communities a better place or bring them to the next level. By capitalizing on the experience of twenty individuals coming from a wide range of perspectives within their local arts and culture communities, the blog salon aims to see how we as leaders can move our work forward and learn from the experiences and ideas of others.
What would make your Oregon community a better place? What would bring the arts in Eugene or Portland to the next level? How are emerging leaders in Oregon shifting the landscape of your local arts sector? We want to know!
If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please click here to access our submission instructions. If you have any questions about submitting, please email Sara Bateman at