ELAN Executive Team Position Opening

The ELAN Executive Team would like to let you know about an exciting opportunity for an incoming first year for the 2010-2011 school year. We are looking for a Public Relations Representative who will help in marketing/PR for the organization. While ELAN has never had a first year on its team before, this year’s team believes that this will be a great way to bring a first year voice into the mix and create a more unified presence in AAD.

Please review the Job description; the deadline to apply is September 10, and all applications should be sent to this address- elan@uoregon.edu. We will beginning reviewing them as soon as the deadline passes and get back to you ASAP. Thanks, and we can’t wait to check out the applications (and meet you)!

Your ELAN E-Team, Patricia, Tomas, Arielle, Steph, and Sarah



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