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As I think about professionalism, I feel that I am very aware of myself in this area because I have been brought up in a way where I was taught to encompass these aspects. I would give myself a score of 47. In evaluating my punctuality I would say I score a 9. I was […]

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Personal Leadership Development

During the course of the term, I have observed and learned many things about myself, and how I interact with others. I established at the beginning of the term that I wanted to improve my Challenging of the Process, and my self-management. Another small portion of my improvement was to work on Inspiring a Shared […]

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Finishing Up

In performing our final presentation, I think I need to work on my presentation skills a little. I fumbled words and some of my talking points. It was not because I did not know my material. Spending the last 3 weeks refining our proposal is proof of that. For some reason I was anxious to […]

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Emotional Intelligence

Week 8 has come to a close, and I can barely stand to think about a proposal any more. My patience is waining along with my attitude. Trying to keep a cool head about presenting next week, but we are the first group to go. There is a bit of time pressure for our group […]

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Gaining Traction

This week has been a test of patience. Our team has spent all week trying to figure out the root cause of out problem, amongst scheduling time to meet as members of the group are very busy. I have learned that we work much better together than individually. Group unity is a strength that we […]

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Valentines Day

This week we turned our first draft of the proposal in. Only 2 days before it was due, we changed the whole direction of our solution. Thanks to the advice of our professor, we  found a better solution. We came up with a case competition for international students. The end prize is a job with a […]

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How Broadly can you Specify?

Our project is taking shape in a different way each week. I would say that this week, between our presentation, and formation of our proposal, the direction of our project is becoming clearer. I came into the last few weeks thinking that we had absolutely nothing to show for. This week I have transitioned a […]

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Going International

Well, this week has been interesting. Our group has changed course quite a bit in regards to our direction. After interviews with many students and a few faculty, we will be focused on international students and their needs in the business school. Something that kind of hits home, because 21 percent of students in the […]

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If you think you know, go further.

This week was cut one class short due to observing Martin Luther King Jr. day. My team has been working to refine our plan for our proposal all week. I feel as though it will never be fully developed, because there is always something else to consider or add. We just need to reach a […]

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Pipe cleaners and paperclips

This week I learned how to make a mobile backpack prototype out of paper, pipe cleaners, and paperclips for my classmate Brandon. The exercise of creating something based on short interviews with Brandon was great. It was nice because I was able to just observe him as an individual, and infer what he would like […]

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