Sarah Allison, MCRP Student Wins $16,000 Sea Grant Award

Sarah Allison Community Service Center OPDR Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience

Oregon Sea Grant has selected Sarah Allison, CSC Research Assistant, as the recipient of the 2014-2016 Resilience and Adaptation Graduate Fellowship. The $16,000 award will support research for her final project, “Keeping Local Economies Safe: The Role of Economic Development Plans in Natural Hazards Resilience.”

Allison is interested in helping communities prepare to withstand natural hazards and recover from them. Those hazards could include an earthquake or tsunami, but also include annual hazards such as flooding and winter storms. She is pursuing a Master of Community and Regional Planning (MCRP) and the Oregon Leadership in Sustainability (OLIS) graduate certificate. The Sea Grant fellowship will support her research, travel, and conference attendance.

“This is a big deal. It’s the biggest student award I’ve seen in the twenty-five years I’ve been here,” said Robert Parker, executive director of the UO’s Community Service Center (CSC) in the UO Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management.

Allison’s first project with the CSC, was on a team that developed strategic plans for the Emergency Management Divisions of Coos and Douglas Counties, and a regional plan for collaboration. Allison’s project advisor was Josh Bruce, Director of Oregon Partnership for Disaster Resilience (OPDR), one of four successful service learning programs at the CSC.

Bruce also hired Allison as an intern to work with The Ford Family Foundation exploring opportunities to build socio-economic resilience on the Oregon South Coast. “These two projects, and mentorship from Josh Bruce, deeply guided the development of my exit project topic”, said Allison. “I was able to get experience and guidance around different approaches to resilience and challenges that face resilience professionals. Because so much of my early work was in the southern coast, it was a logical case study for my exit project.”

Building on these earlier projects with Bruce and the CSC, Allison developed a research project, focused on Oregon South Coast communities, to identify specific opportunities for increasing economic resilience to hazards through economic development plans.

“The idea is to increase the capacity of a community to set goals that serve their particular needs, and make progress towards those goals,” Allison said.

Oregon Sea Grant developed this year’s fellowship as a “one-time opportunity to support a student, or students, working on new research on resilience and adaptation with direct connections to coastal community needs in Oregon,” said Sarah Kolesar, Research and Scholars Program Leader at Oregon Sea Grant. “Allison’s project reviews were very good across the board, and our panel appreciated her intended investigations into how resiliency was incorporated into economic development plans along Oregon’s south coast. We look forward to working more with her, and seeing her results.”

Allison’s undergraduate degree in acting—and nine years subsequent work as a stage manager for drama and dance productions—segues neatly into a career in planning, she said. “The common thread for me has been the development of communities. My theater communities were much smaller than the ones I engage with through planning, but the intention is the same. I entered graduate school with an interest in strengthening the social fabric of communities and the way that different systems interact.” Allison attributes her work with the CSC to avenues that address her underlying interest through the rich context of hazards planning and economic development.

As part of her research, Allison will develop outreach materials for local communities. The materials would be “brief, accessible handouts aimed at local planners, economic development professionals, and emergency managers that identify strategies for increasing economic hazards resilience and strategies for collaboration between those three groups,” she said.

Rich Margerum, department head of Planning, Public Policy and Management and Bruce recommended Allison for the fellowship. A national panel of reviewers scored the applications.

As an Oregon Sea Grant Scholar, Allison will engage in professional development activities and present her research at conferences through June 30, 2015.

Story by Rhonda Smith and Marti Gerdes


The Romance and Nostalgia of Oregon’s Historic Theatres

 Aniko Drlik-Muehleck Oregon Historic Theatres Community Planning Workshop CPW Travel OregonThe Community Planning Workshop (CPW) is embarking on a dramatic journey, the Oregon Historic Theatres Inventory Project. CPW will explore these incredible cultural gems, once cornerstones of social and economic life, to understand their continued value as community assets. The project will include a statewide inventory and assessment to develop strategies tying historic theatres to travel and tourism promotion throughout Oregon.

About the Project

As a three-phase exploration of Oregon’s historic theatres and their potential to spur economic development,  Aniko Drlik-Muehleck, Project Manager and CSC GTF, has begun the tedious task of Phase One; taking inventory and gathering information on theatres from across the state that qualify as historic. Currently, she has already identified over 70 theatres in almost 50 Oregon cities.

For Phase Two, beginning in January 2015, a CPW student team led by Aniko and Robert Parker, CPW Program Director and Project Advisor, will gather important data with a needs assessment survey. The student team will send surveys to historic theatres identified during Phase One asking owners and operators to explain their business model and describe theatre needs related to building rehabilitation and maintenance, equipment upgrades, programming, and marketing.

In spring and summer 2015, CPW will partner with theatre owners, operators, and regional tourism agencies to explore viable marketing strategies. This will link Oregon historic theatres to travel and tourism promotion in Phase Three of the project.

Why Now?Hollywood-Current

Oregon’s historic theatre inventory project comes at a particularly critical period for downtown theatres. “There is nothing quite like the incandescent lights coming on as daylight fades,” said Aniko. Acting as community facilities and gathering places, historic theatres draw residents and visitors to be educated, informed and entertained with a variety of programming. Yet they struggle to keep up with the costs of keeping the doors open.

The rising cost of theatre maintenance and operations has dealt some hefty financial blows, prompting the closure of many historic theatres. Movie theatres, for example, face $50,000 minimum to upgrade to digital projection systems. In a town with less than 3000 people, the possibility of a theatre affording such an investment is low.

Fortunately for the City of Burns (population 2,835), the “Save the Desert Historic Theatre” campaign mobilized over $55,000 for the installation of a new digital projector in five months. Regular films are now featured for the enthusiastic residents of Harney County. In posts following the successful fundraising effort, residents commented, “There’s nowhere like HARNEY County…so proud to be part of this community!!” CPW’s student team and staff hopes to build on the energy of grassroots movements like this across the state.

Together with project partners, Oregon Main Street, Pacific Power, and Travel Oregon, CPW will explore the possibilities of revitalizing Oregon’s historic theatres. What does this look like in a small community? Are there more theatre fundraisers in the works? How many façades, like the Hollywood Theatre’s (pictured here), are waiting to be restored? Is there a long line of theatre enthusiasts eagerly waiting to experience Oregon’s historic theaters? CPW intends to discover this and more.

Want to Help?

CPW would love your input! While many historic theatres have been identified, CPW has a feeling there are quite a few more to be discovered we don’t know about. Visit the historic theatre’s website to view the map of inventoried theatre locations, and to please fill out the inventory form if there seems to be one that is missing.

Related Story: Travel Oregon Awards $120,000 for Local Tourism Development

CPW Community Planning Workshop Aniko Drlik-MuehleckAbout the Author: Aniko Drlik-Muehleck, originally from Berkeley, CA, is now a Master of Community and Regional Planning candidate at the University of Oregon and participated in the Community Service Center’s RARE AmeriCorps Program – Resource Assistance for Rural Environments with the City of Pendleton from 2012-2013.