4/17/24 – 4/18/24 Campus Wide Garbage Service Advisory

UPDATE 4/18/24:

Hello Campus Partners,

 Update on campus garbage service: late yesterday Facilities Services staff was able to pick up one of the repaired garbage trucks and put it into service this morning. Regular campus garbage service has resumed.

We, again, thank you for the understanding: please contact Kevin Farthing (541-359-6633, kfarthin@uoregon.edu) if you have any questions.

 Kevin Farthing
Associate Director
CFPM Facilities Services


Hello Campus Partners,

I wanted to reach out to you concerning a minor interruption in campus garbage pickup. Currently, both Facilities Services-owned trucks are experiencing mechanical issues that prevent them from picking up garbage. Both are currently being repaired by contractors in the area; however, we don’t have completion time for either. In order to mitigate the problem, we are picking up garbage in building dumpsters using our recycling vans. For today, we are concentrating on the residence halls and the EMU. We are also talking today with a third-party garbage hauler to temporarily service the campus while our trucks are being repaired. Be assured we are working to resume regular garbage service as soon as possible, and that we will let you know if there are any further developments, including the resumption of regular service.

We thank you for the understanding: please contact Kevin Farthing (541-359-6633, kfarthin@uoregon.edu) if you have any questions.

Kevin Farthing

Associate Director

CFPM Facilities Services

Image of Campus 1-10-24