As the most recent campus communication states, face coverings will be required indoors again and will be effective Friday, 7/30/21 (tomorrow). IMT has ordered and coordinated the appropriate signage to be deployed to campus bathrooms, and to the A-frames that are sprinkled throughout campus building entrances.
The A-frame posters will not come in until mid-next week. In the interim, facility liaisons and building managers are more than welcome to print off the attached sign and post to their high traffic entry doors, beginning Friday, 7/30/21. Once the A-frame posters are installed, these interim signs can either remain on entry doors, or be removed at the discretion of the facility manager. (Considering multiple entrances, and decreasing overall signage clutter)
COVID-related signage removal:
If signage removal has not occurred in your building or if another round of signage removal is necessary for your space, I’ve attached detailed instructions on removal of other COVID-related signage for facility liaisons and building managers. At this point, purging outdated signage is necessary, but some signage needs to remain in place. Please read the attached removal instructions carefully.
Thank you for your partnership and work towards keeping campus safe. Your flexibility is appreciated. Please reach out if you have questions.
Lindsey J. Salfran
Executive Assistant
to the CRO and Associate VP of Safety and Risk Services
Safety & Risk Services | University of Oregon
1260 University of Oregon | Eugene, OR 97403-1260
Direct: 541.346.8853 | Fax: 541.346.7008