Begin: Friday, May 1st, 2020 at 5:00 am
End: Friday, May 1st, 2020 at 3:00 pm
Building or Area Impacted: Klamath Hall Second Floor
Scope: The Klamath level 2 renovation requires power revisions to the existing electrical bus-duct which powers systems on level 2.
Services Impacted: Lighting and electrical power.
- Not all spaces on level 2 will be impacted the same. (See diagram below)
- Temporary power will be provided to critical equipment in the shaded green sections during this time.
Special Instructions: Please shut down all multi-function copier devices as well as any printers during scheduled power outages. The software on these machines can be negatively affected due to the power surge when power is turned back on, a power surge can corrupt the clone files in the machines, and can change preconfigured settings.
Work Performed By: Lease Crutcher Lewis
Contact: Denise Stewart, CPFM Owner’s Representative, 541-346-2280 or 541-335-1258