Klamath Hall Water Intrusion 11/21/19

A water intrusion in Klamath Hall was caused by a safety shower in the third-floor restroom that was activated and left on. The event that led to the shower being turned on is under investigation at this time. Damages include impacts to wall and ceiling finishes in the areas indicated on the diagram below. EHS will prepare a more detailed inventory through the course of today. There also appears to be impacts to office equipment and lab equipment as a result of this event. 

Individual departments are responsible for inventorying damaged non-building related items, such as computers, office furnishings, lab equipment, etc. The Office of Risk Management within Safety & Risk Services is available to provide guidance, inventory forms, and other information on the insurance process associated with these claims. This information can be found at https://safety.uoregon.edu/property-claims. Please contact Risk Management if you have any questions about this process. Their contact information is indicated on the website link above. 

Occupants can expect obstructions in the hallways, related to the containment set up, in order to remove impacted rubber cove base and sheetrock.  These installations may be up as long as a week.

Please direct all other questions to CPFM Work Control at 541-346-2319.