Johnson Hall Restroom #006 Shutdown 12/16/19 – 12/23/19

Update 12/19/19: This project has been extended and will be complete on Monday 12/23/19.


On Monday, December 16th, at 6:00 am until Friday, December 20th 23rd, at 5:00 pm, women’s restroom #006 will be shut down. During this time, the in-floor drain line, for the sink, will be replaced.

Loud noise will be heard throughout the building, Monday, October 16th, as workers cut into the floor to access the pipe.

Please use the all-gender restroom next door, in #006A, or the restrooms on the 2nd floor.

Work will be performed by CPFM Facilities Services.

For questions or concerns, please contact Ken Straw at 346-5406 or