Update 3/4: One of the mixing valves was replaced on 2/28 and is working well. Repairs will continue to be on Fridays until all the mixing valves have been replaced.
Update 1/7: This project is not yet complete. The mixing valves needed to complete the repairs have still not arrived.
Update 11/21: This project is not yet complete. The mixing valves needed to repair the hot water to rooms 144C, 146, and 157 have not arrived. Repairs should be completed over winter break.
Update 11/20: This project is complete.
Update 10/18:
The hot water has been restored to all areas except the following: Rooms 146, 144C and 157. Room 157 is a standard sink that will not impact the classes/labs but the other locations 146 and 144C are Photo labs and the mixing valves in those locations are currently turned off. We will not have new parts for those locations for several weeks so users will need to use other labs within the building to complete their work. As soon as the parts arrive we will make it a priority to have them installed. Work Control will provide additional updates if more information becomes available.
As of October 16th, through midday tomorrow, October 17th end of November winter break February 3rd, the hot water will be shut down to allow Facilities Services to install new equipment.
For questions or concerns, please contact Work Control Center at 346-2319 or workcontrolcenter@uoregon.edu.