Building Occupants,
Due to adding communications equipment to roof top electrical panels at LISB, it is necessary to shut down electrical panel PN1-2 for a period of two hours on Thursday, August 23, 2018. The project manager selected 7:00 am – 9:00 am.
Electrical panel PN1-2 serves the following equipment:
EF-6 – Exhaust Fan for the elevator equipment room.
EF-7 – Exhaust fan for the elevator chase.
The lights and convenience receptacle for the indoor air handling units located in the penthouse.
Miscellaneous convenience receptacles in the penthouse which are currently not in use.
Impacts to building will be minimal. This will not impact elevator services but yous may experience decreased airflow in the elevator.
For questions or concerns please contact CPFM Design and Construction Project Manager Jana Gerow at 541-346-8317 office 970-640-0176 cell.