This notice has been sent to all building users in Huestis, Klamath, LISB, Onyx, Streisinger, Pacific, UHCC & ZIRC.
Building Users,
Due to an NW Gas usage data collection project for possible energy incentive, the autoclave heat exchanger that serves the buildings below will be temporarily shut down February 21, 2018, starting at 6:00 am ending February 23, 2018, at 9:00 am. CPFM Utilities and Energy have 60# back up steam available.
This will impact: Huestis, Klamath, LISB, Onyx, Streisinger & ZIRC.
This will not impact Pacific and UHCC as originally stated in previous message.
Please contact CPFM Utilities and Energy Maintenance Supervisor Mo Soleimani at 541-346-2213.