10/13/17: Message from Design and Construction Tom Shepard Sr. Associate Director of Capital Projects

To our Campus Customers,

Design and Construction and our Special Projects team would like to assist you in implementing your small capital project goals.
Small projects can include:

  • Furniture procurement
  • Interior Finish Improvements & Updates (flooring, paint, etc.)
  • Office or small suite renovations
  • Learning Environment Improvements & Updates
  • And other projects of similar size & scope

Construction for these projects is typically implemented within the school year breaks such as Winter, Spring, and Summer. However, for these types of projects, please allow design & procurement time which can be 2 or 3 months prior to the intended break for construction.

2017/18 Winter Break is fast approaching, and we wanted to provide you with a gentle reminder on how our talented team of designers and project managers can assist you with your project needs.  The timeline below shows ideal project submission dates to support a timely and successful project.



Construction Period

Date of Break Latest Date for Project Submission
Winter Break 2017/2018 December 11 – January 5 Mid-October 2017
Spring Break 2018 March 26 – March 30 January 1, 2018
Summer 2018 June 18 – September 21 March 1, 2018
Winter Break 2018/2019 December 10 – January 4 October 1, 2018

Please note that we understand that our campus clients may be unable to meet the project submission dates for many reasons that are out of your control. We will do our best to accommodate your project and timeline needs if submitted after the date listed above.

Project requests should be submitted through our online Capital Projects Initiation Form. Please feel free to review this and other segments of the Design and Construction website for additional information and tools for your use.

For questions and projects more involved, feel free to contact Maggie Gordon, Special Projects, and Design Manager directly to review your intentions further. Our office is committed to providing you with the best possible design and construction services.

Most sincerely,

Tom Shepard
Sr. Associate Director of Capital Projects
Design and Construction
Campus Planning and Facilities Management
University of Oregon