Update: 1/9/17
Due to continued inclement weather and to limit the impact to building occupants the contractor will begin set up January 10th after 2 pm and has scheduled the ceiling cleaning and hallway closures for off hours, after 5 pm on January 10th and 11th.
If you have question or concerns, please contact Jen Miley, Research Manager, Capital Planning and Facilities Management at 541-346-1530 office 317-956-0640 cell.
Update: 1/6/17
This work has been extended into next week. Starting Monday morning the contractor will be onsite working above the corridor ceilings. The work will begin in the basement and then move to the first and second floors. This work will include removal of minor asbestos insulation debris. The areas below the ceilings will not be an abatement area, but building occupants should temporarily avoid the corridors during this cleanup work. Signage will be at each end of the hallway that will indicate the temporary closure. Only one hallway will be closed at a time.
If you have question or concerns, please contact Jen Miley, Research Manager, Capital Planning and Facilities Management at 541-346-1530 office 317-956-0640 cell.
Building Occupants,
In preparation for the renovation of the laboratories on the basement, first and the second floor of the south wing of Pacific Hall, we will be closing the south portion of each of these the hallways for a week at a time, to perform floor tile removal (see attached plans for affected areas).
The schedule for this work is:
Basement: December 19th- 23rd
Second Floor: December 26th – 30th
First Floor: January 2nd – 6th
Except for access to occupied spaces within the project area, these hallways will be closed to traffic for this time.
In the weeks following the abatement work, the project will erect semi-permanent partitions, blocking these corridors (except for access to occupied spaces) to begin demolition and construction.
This project will run through 2017 and into the beginning of 2018. Access from Pacific Hall to Onyx Bridge will remain open through the construction project.
If you have question or concerns, please contact Jen Miley, Research Manager
[embeddoc url=”https://blogs.uoregon.edu/cpfmnotifications/files/2017/01/Pacific-Hall-Flooring-Revised-28zv9dx.pdf” download=”all” viewer=”google”]