Finding a sustainable and cost-efficient way to fuel our transportation in America has been a topic of debate for numerous years now. We cannot continue to solely rely on fossil fuels as the number one source of energy for our cars. We must try to find alternatives to replace our current consumption of fossil fuels so that we can hope to live in harmony with the planet we live on. One of the solutions to this problem can be Corn Ethanol.
To see whether or not we should use corn ethanol as a source of fuel, we must see how much energy it takes to produce corn ethanol and whether or not it produces the same or even a greater amount of energy if it is used as a fuel. We also have to consider the environmental impacts of corn farming and how we create ethanol at corn ethanol plants. Now whether or not we should use corn ethanol as our main fuel source or as a fuel additive is another topic of debate. Numerous countries around the world including the United States use Corn Ethanol as a fuel additive but Brazil is one of the exceptions for only using ethanol based fuels within their country.