In the News/Team Accomplishments

DSL in the News and Team Accomplishments

1/26/21 : Undergraduate research assistant Hailey Volk has just received the Conference Travel Award from the Center for Undergraduate Research and Engagement (CURE) to help cover the  travel costs to the NCUR conference she was recently accepted into. Congratulations Hailey!

1/11/21 : Undergraduate research assistant Hailey Volk has been hard at work on her research, and her presentation on the Impact of Prenatal Nutrition and Supplementation on Birth Outcomes and Negative Affectivity in Infants has been accepted for presentation at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research 2021. The NCUR is an annual student conference dedicated to promoting undergraduate research, scholarship, and creative activity in all fields of study. Hailey’s submission underwent rigorous review by experts the field and we are extremely proud of her for this great accomplishment!

12/22/2020 : The DSL’s new COPE study was selected as a recipient of a COVID-19 Research Innovation Award by the University of Oregon. The COVID-19 Research Innovation Awards recognize faculty research efforts deployed in response to COVID-19, research that helps fulfill the needs of our communities in Eugene/Springfield, the state of Oregon, and the larger society. Each recipient is awarded a $1,000 stipend. Click here to learn more!

12/03/2020 : Undergraduate research assistant Giovanni Ricci received the highly competitive Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship. This scholarship is federally funded through the  U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, and will help Giovanni pursue upcoming study abroad opportunities. With the addition of this scholarship Giovanni has obtained nearly $20,000 in funding for study abroad specifically, congratulations Giovanni! To learn more, click here.

10/9/2020 : Undergraduate research assistant Giovanni Ricci received the Grace Morris Scholarship for the 2020-21 academic year.  Good work, Giovanni!

9/29/2020 : Undergraduate research assistant Giovanni Ricci  was accepted into the SIT Refugees, Health, and Humanitarian Action study abroad program in Amman, Jordan. Congratulations, Giovanni!

9/23/2020 : Brenna McNeil, who is a lead researcher in the DSL’s MP3 study, has just received her M.S. in general psychology from the University of Oregon. Congratulations on this big accomplishment Brenna!

6/24/2020 : Eugene’s NPR member station, KLCC, covered DSL research in their article “Studying The ‘Exquisitely Sensitive’ Perinatal Period During Pandemic.” To read the media article, click here.

5/18/2020 : University of Oregon’s Around the O covered the DSL’s COPE study, which looks at pregnancy during the COVID-19 pandemic. To read more about the University of Oregon’s coverage of the study, click here.

12/18/2019 : Undergraduate research assistant Nora Kearns was accepted into the Knight Campus Undergraduate Scholars fellowship/scholarship program for her bioengineering research. Currently, her project involves developing an in vivo DNA display technology by repurposing the replication system of bacteriophage PRD1. Click here to learn more about her interesting research. Congratulations Nora!

2/25/2013 : NPR’s All Things Considered published  the article “To Spot Kids Who Will Overcome Poverty, Look At Babies,” which discusses new research by the DSL. To read the NPR article, click here.

2/19/2013 : The University of Oregon published a media article covering DSL research on how biological clues may foretell behavioral issues in infants living in poverty.  To read the University of Oregon’s coverage of the study, click here.

2/22/2011 : (e) Science News published an article covering DSL research on how a baby’s cry draws a blunted response in the brains of depressed moms. To read the media article, click here.