Artifact 7: Technology


  • Learn about the history of computer graphics
  • Examine the role of technology as force for cultural maintenance and change
  • Discuss the validity of art created with the aid of machines


ORIGINAL POST: Technology Is Growing

November 24, 2013

The thesis of Jone’s essay was directed towards the idea that new forms of art and technology are usually created with respect to older forms. An example of this idea from her text explained how, “the stone columns of ancient Egyptian architecture were based on earlier bound papyrus columns”(Jones 51). This example shows the influence and consistency that papyrus columns had on the columns of Egyptian architecture. I think another one of her views is that the ideas grow on one another an are not often random in the uprising of new technology.


One historical example  Jones provides as an illustration of her thesis is about the advancement in technology from two dimensional displays to three dimensional displays on a two dimensional surface. This three dimensional imagery was created from the combination of computer technician scientists extending computer limits, and artists that used computer graphic technology to make new 3D images. This was such an amazing advancement because, “the primary form of computer imagery in the early years was the two dimensional screen or plotter graphic” (Jones 54). 3D technology grew off of existing 2D technology and this just exemplifies Jones’ thesis about how new forms of art and technology grow off of the forms of old ones.


The mass global exception and technology advancement of  touch screen technology in today’s cell phones  is  based on the old form of button phone technology.Touch screen phones are such a big advancement because it went from touching stationary buttons to swiping across a virtual button. Touch screen phones and devices are extremely more interactive than older phones and are even becoming a necessity to be a part some social groups. For example, “Touchscreens are a must-have UX for any company’s stable of mobile products and has actually created a new style of enormously successful apps”(Sniderman). Phones like the iPhone are examples of how new touchscreen phone technologies grew from and then replaced older button based phone tech. Now with the widespread use of apps for business, school, and entertainment purposes our cultural need for touch screens phones is becoming increasingly prominent. I think that Jone’s would be very excited about the growth of this technological form, in fact she probably has an iPhone already.


Based on Jones’ text I was able to show the course objective of learning about the history of graphics. Jones talked about how these graphics and even games grew from military developments to help soldiers prepare for war. This then grew to entertainment purposed gaming. This switch however demonstrates the other course objective that talks about the cultural maintenance and change. Just as “the advancement in technology from two dimensional displays to three dimensional displays on a two dimensional surface”(Jones 54) was revolutionary, so are the many new advancements that are happening every day. The picture of monitor screens above was added to resemble the advancement from 2d-3d images that Jones pointed out, and the image of a micro chip was added to resemble the current technological advancements that are happening in our world today. These analogies are all a part of Jone’s thought that we build ideas off other ideas to advance further into technology.

I also talked about Sniderman’s research of how touch screens have changed the way we live. Creating entertainment wherever we go and the ability to use apps to our advantage. As far as the last objective, this was demonstrated when I talked about how computer edited art is becoming the norm, and must have form of art because of the demands that we are putting on art. We want art to move in apps and this is only possible through computer generated art.


I hope to get involved with technology more because I think it is going to be the future to ow our art is displayed created and used. If I could I would want to be a graphic artist for a big company. Computer graphics are already the basis of our marketing strategies so I curious how computer art with advance. I think it is going to change very rapidly in some fascinating ways.

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