Samantha Young & Nicole Paterson to Participate in 2018 Grad Forum

Photo: Poster Session at Grad Research Forum

Photo: Poster Session, Graduate ForumChemistry graduate students Samantha Young and Nicole Paterson will be participating in the 2018 Graduate Student Research Forum on Friday, May 11th.

Samantha, a member of the Hutchison lab, will present on the Dixon Scholars Panel from 10:00- 11:00am in the EMU Swindells Room.

The Dixon Fellows are recipients of the Julie and Rocky Dixon Graduate Student Innovation Award, which supports doctoral students interested in developing their skills and experiencein innovation and/or entrepreneurship in preparation for careers outside of academia. Each year, the Dixon Fellows present at the Grad Forum to showcase their experiences and findings.

Nicole, a member of the Prehoda lab, will present her research at the Poster Session from 12:00 – 2:00pm EMU Ballroom.  Her presentation is titled “Role of Gukholder and Scribble in Spindle Orientation.”

The full schedule of events for the 2018 Grad Forum is available at


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