Thomas Greenbowe receives Tykeson Teaching Award

Photo of T. Greenbowe

Chemistry and Biochemistry Senior Instructor Thomas Greenbowe has been selected as a 2021 recipient of the UO College of Arts and Sciences Tykeson Teaching Awards.

The awards were established in 2015, and are presented annually to one faculty member in each division of the College of Arts and Sciences: the humanities, social sciences and natural sciences. Recipients are recognized for their excellence in teaching and receive a certificate and $2,500 cash prize.

Dr. Greenbowe has been instrumental in the education of thousands of students at the UO, and has introduced many active learning techniques into our general and introductory chemistry programs. He is a nationally recognized leader in inquiry-based chemistry pedagogy, having previously received the ACS George C. Pimentel Award in Chemical Education. Over the last nine months, Dr. Greenbowe has worked to dramatically transform traditionally in-person lecture and hands-on laboratory courses into web-based formats, while at the same time preserving his commitment to excellence in pedagogy.

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