New Student Survey Questions

1. Where did you move from to attend the UO? And, briefly describe how you landed on the UO AAD program. Any interesting, funny, anecdotal stories/details are welcome.

I moved here from New Jersey to Bend, Oregon a few months ago to pet sit for a friend while I established myself “out west”.  Fell in love with Oregon and decided to stick around.  After looking into Arts Admin/Management programs I was happy to find out that the University of Oregon had what I was looking for. 

2. Area of concentration in AAD? 

Museum Studies

3. Describe your knowledge and use of technology systems.

I’m mostly familiar with Mac OSX operating systems from years of use in school, but am still familiar with various Windows versions of operating systems.  

4. What software do you commonly use? Briefly describe purpose/application for software on your list.

Within Mac OSX, I commonly use various web browsers i.e.: internet explorer, firefox, etc. Microsoft Office suite, and Adobe Photoshop.

5. Do you have any graphic design or media production/management experience? Have you taken any graphic design or media production courses?

I have taken a couple of graphic design classes one focusing solely on Photoshop and the other on Illustrator.  I have a background in photography, so I’m much more proficient with Photoshop when it comes to editing, but I definitely wouldn’t call myself proficient with using Photoshop in a graphic design production way.  I have very little video production experience.

6. Know anything about typography?

I know basic design principles associated with typography, but not anything in depth.

7. Do you use Web (2.0) apps? Name those that you use or are familiar with.

I looked at others’ response to this to see what Web 2.0 apps are and apparently I use a few–  Drop Box, Yahoo,  and a couple of social media sites.  

8. Do you use Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, Yelp, etc.)? Name those that you engage in.

Facebook and Instagram

9. Tell us something unique about yourself.

I am left-handed, a twin, and born on Halloween

10. Anything else?

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