Denouncement of Anti-Asian Discrimination & COVID-19
We, the University of Oregon Asian Desi Pacific Islander Strategies Group (ADPI SG), recognize that the University of Oregon is located on Kalapuya Ilihi, the traditional indigenous homeland of the Kalapuya people. Today, descendants are citizens of the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians of Oregon, and they continue to make important contributions in their communities, at UO, and across the land we now refer to as Oregon.
We write this statement in solidarity with our students and community members of Asian, Desi, and Pacific Islander backgrounds as the COVID-19 pandemic reveals the xenophobia and racism that is still pervasive throughout our communities and society. The University of Oregon Asian Desi Pacific Islander Strategies Group and allies denounce these increasing acts of discrimination and violence targeted against Asian and Asian American communities locally and nationally. We recognize that these incidents, implicit and explicit, take place both online and in-person. With shelter-in-place orders across the nation, a significant number of in-person incidents take place in essential stores and on public walkways.
Together, we call upon our greater community to stop the use of harmful language, including labels such as the “Chinese Virus” or the “Wuhan Virus,” when this global pandemic affects all of humanity. These labels and other microaggressions, along with blatant violence and actions of hate, do not stop or slow down this pandemic. They only contribute to the anti-Asian and anti-Asian American stigma.
More than ever, we call upon the University of Oregon and greater community to be vigilant against acts of discrimination and to be united in calling out incidents directed, not only to ADPI persons, but also towards other marginalized communities, such as Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and LGBTQIA communities.
We offer these suggestions for action:
–Correct any person who mislabels the virus and pandemic and ask them to use the term COVID-19 or coronavirus.
-Educate those in our networks about the historical and structural factors of racism and xenophobia and its interconnectedness of current anti-Asian racism with historical and current oppression in other marginalized communities.
-Report incidents of hate and bias.
For UO students, faculty, and staff:
Community members in Eugene may report to the Hate & Bias Report:
-Recognize that experiencing anti-Asian xenophobia and racism can negatively affect the recipient’s physical and mental health. Don’t minimize the effects or make it a joke.
-Resist attempts to divide Asian American communities from other communities who face racism and discrimination.
We come together in fighting these viral and racial threats by building solidarity together and working towards a more compassionate and inclusive community.
In solidarity,
ADPI (Asian Desi Pacific Islander) Strategies Group
UO Division of Equity & Inclusion
Black Strategies Group
Native American Strategies Group
Latinx Strategies Group
Sexual Orientation Gender Identity and Expression (SOAGIE) Strategies Group
2022 ADPI SG Programming
USO-ADPI Study Hall
Winter Term 2022: USO will be hosted out of the Multicultural Center in the EMU every Tuesday from 3-5pm.