Carl Wieman visited last week.

I only had my phone for notes, so here is what I was able to write down for reference. links to a .pdf of his slides: the physics one and the one I attended. My to do list: 1. I need...

white boards in the classroom

the cheap kind, not the interactive fancy ones. For conceptual work: The $2 Interactive Whiteboard with videos this has to be legit right? finally this one, where you can purchase white boards:...

crummy sites to use for evaluation

not hoaxes, but bad sites for students to develop for critiques annotations from ILI, links removed so as not to give the automatic link-checking algorithms a boost: member of Medical Veritas, which was a “journal” from 2004 to 2008 whose...

Rubrics 2.0

Have the students create rubrics – this link includes great rationale (buy in, work with the rubric, clarify purpose) and links to other examples [like this one with 16 VALUE rubrics from AACU]: Consider including students in creating rubrics  From the most...