Fenton Math Library

Science Technology Section poster – American Library Association Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, NV, 2014
Screen Shot 2014-06-26 at 1.21.57 AM

A narrative of the Math Library at the University of Oregon: Fenton_poster text_ALA_Vegas_2014

Student assignment about the space and help offered: Fenton_assignment_ala_2014


Impact of tutoring 

Bamforth, S., A. Crawford, A. Croft, and C. Robinson. “Addressing the Mathematics Problem within Engineering Education: New Approaches Being Piloted at a UK University.” 16–21, 2004. http://ineer.org/Events/ICEE2004/Proceedings/Papers\121_Florida_Paper_final_version_ICEE_2004_(1).pdf

“It appears that student motivation is an important factor in passing the mathematics module. If sufficiently motivated and enabled by the support on offer, students who are initially mathematically weak are able to develop their skill and confidence.” p.8

Gillard, J., K. Robathan, and R. Wilson. “Measuring the Effectiveness of a Mathematics Support Service: An Email Survey.” Teaching Mathematics and Its Applications 30, no. 1 (2011): 43–52. http://teamat.oxfordjournals.org/content/30/1/43.short

“Although acknowledging that there is no agreed way of evaluating the effectiveness of MSC’s the LTSN guide (Lawson, et al, 2001) also recognized that students have an undeniable affection for additional support.” p. 50
“Despite the difficulties in formally measure effectively, some responsdent to the questionnaire did comment that they had student who strongly feel that without the existence of a MSC they would leave university.” p. 50 ’Purely on a cost analysis, an effective support service is one that “saves” enough students to cover its costs.”

Parker, M. “Placement, Retention, and Success: A Longitudinal Study of Mathematics and Retention.” The Journal of General Education (2005): 22–40. http://content.ebscohost.com/ContentServer.asp?T=P&P=AN&K=17604440&S=R&D=aph&EbscoContent=dGJyMNLe80SeqLc4y9fwOLCmr0qepq9SsKm4SreWxWXS&ContentCustomer=dGJyMPGuslGwrbVNuePfgeyx34vu

“This research has shown that students who were more successful in their mathematics courses were more likely to be retained at the university and to graduate in four years.” p.39.

Xu, Y, S Hartman, G Uribe, and R Mencke. “The Effects of Peer Tutoring on Undergraduate Students’ Final Examination Scores in Mathematics.” Journal of College Reading and  … (2001). http://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ638873

“The students who benefited most from tutoring were those who were average or below average in math performance.” p. 31“Performance in any college class is a complex dependent variable influenced by numerous dependent variable that are often difficult to measure…” used fairly complex statistical analysis to see the utility of tutoring p. 30.


Math Library at the University of Oregon

Bolt, Greg. “AN UNEVEN FIELD.” The Register-Guard. May 08, 2011. http://projects.registerguard.com/web/newslocalnews/26115261-57/center-students-athletes-academic-jaqua.html.csp.

Cooper, Matt. “‘Mathletes’ Transform Library Space into Study Haven.” CAScade: University of Oregon College of Arts and Sciences, 2014. http://cascade.uoregon.edu/winter2014/natural-sciences/mathletes-transform-library-space-into-study-haven/.

“Fenton Hall Architecture of the University of Oregon | University of Oregon Libraries.” Accessed June 22, 2014. https://library.uoregon.edu/guides/architecture/oregon/fenton.html.

Henning, Megan. “A Brave New World at the Mathematics Library.” Building Oregon, 2013. http://library.uoregon.edu/sites/default/files/node1360/UOLib Spring13_lores_spreads-1.pdf.

Henning, Megan, and Travis Scholl. Welcome to the Math Library at Fenton Hall. YouTube, 2012. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJbfvYXiCNw.