AI assisted tools_April 2024

If you are reading this after 2024 and it hasn’t been updated, assume everything has changed. A slide deck “Exploring Emerging Generative AI Tools” from the wonderful librarians a Oregon State University has a great summary of some of the AI tools...

revised advice for citing AI and LLM

APA has advice now: Primary difference is to decide if you (the writer) can retrieve the content or not? If you can retrieve the content, cite it as a conversation with your AI of choice and this should look different...

Teaching journal articles in the classroom

Undergraduate strategy 1: Intro and how-to in gen chem – Video, slides and canvas quiz questions about reading journal articles in Chemistry class a: Starts with an intro to what a scholarly article is (and isn’t), continues with a Canvas activity asking...

prompts in AI for finding themes from open ended answers

used August 2023 in ChatGPT 4.0 (your milage may vary!): prompt: you are an academic librarian at a public research university look for themes in the comments I will paste when you tell me to begin. each comment is numbered consecutively. consider the different themes...