Science Library Instruction Program pt. 2

Assessment: Curriculum mapping: UNLV’s terrific work on the topic is all here: I think of it as something more like the following, which I’ve applied to a specific UO department....

Authentic assessment

From the terrific librarians from Carleton College: Iris Jastram and Heather Tompkins present workshop at Oregon State University links to the material they used are in a google folder from the story above. They also mentioned the work done by the librarian at the...

Rubrics 2.0

Have the students create rubrics – this link includes great rationale (buy in, work with the rubric, clarify purpose) and links to other examples [like this one with 16 VALUE rubrics from AACU]: Consider including students in creating rubricsĀ  From the most...

Eric Mazur continues to inspire me

This is basically the presentation that I saw yesterday at the UO: He has a very cool piece about testing by group work, including using an IF AT form (scratch off multiple choice), starts around minute 40. more on the concept:...