Reflection on ePortfolio

Reflection on ePortfolio

These were the Learning Goals I posted at the beginning of the term:

  1. Learn more about typography, and have 5-10 go-to fonts in my arsenal for regular use.
  2. Expand my creative initiative. Depend less on examples and templates.
  3. See a visible improvement in the quality and beauty of my design work.

It was a little tough to come up with learning goals for this course when I wasn’t sure exactly what it entailed. For example, I made my first goal about finding fonts because I thought we would be going more in depth with typography. Nevertheless, I found some pretty cool fonts while working on my logo. I will keep them in mind.

Coming into this course, I thought it would be better to come up with my own original ideas without borrowing from others. However, I learned that borrowing and looking at other examples are just tricks of the trade in graphic design, or any art form, really. This is one of the most practical ways to grow. Templates should be used whenever possible (to save time)! There is nothing wrong with starting with a template and tweaking from there.

With help from Eric and my classmates, I have seen a definite improvement in the quality of my designs. I had a tendency to load things up with lots of details, and now my logo is simple and direct. While it’s nothing fancy, I’ve learned that simplicity can be a virtue in  graphic design.

I came to this class with some InDesign and Photoshop experience from high school. I was very rusty, and there is no doubt that my knowledge of the Adobe Suite has greatly improved, especially in Illustrator. I had no experience with Illustrator. Watching myself work so fluidly in these programs by the end of the term was easily my biggest accomplishment. I am also pretty satisfied with my logo.

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