Archive of ‘Unit 08’ category

Art, Games, and Technology Research

In the article, “Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins”, Beverly Jones’s primary thesis is the raid change of the technology have a big influence in our today’s live. The advancement of technology constantly transforms our society and human’s life. Jones also claim“these changes are not simply technical effects. They contribute to maintenance and change of culturally conditioned conceptual patterns in the larger cultural historical context” (P. 51) Social culture also affected by the development of technology and the new generation are get used to it. Jones uses several examples to describe the development of computer graphics.

One historical examples Jones providing is Duane Palyka’s works. Jones claim “images were done by engineers and technicians employed by the government” (P. 53) There are lots of inventor in that time and they want to use the image. However, Palyka is a normal user and he want to present the image in different way. “Palyka could use it to present concepts from within the mind of the artist, much as if he were drawing or painting them.”(p.24) Palyka make the computer painting popular and create a new form of art. Jones mention, “alphanumeric printer output for designing two-dimensional artworks was based on variables in the programming” (p.53) Nowadays, the 3D printing was already released. Technology is evolving and creating the art.

Comparing to our parent generation, our life was affected by technology a lot. We can use email, message and Internet to communication and get in touch. A good example to illustration of Jones’ thesis at work in today’s culture is the somatic game which people control the game through the body. The Xbox 360 releases the kinect game, like sport. People can actually play most of the sport in home using the kinect. The machine can monitor people’s figure and motion through the computer. People can have fun and do the work out with family or friends at home. Those new game is a big innovation for gamer. People can break the old habit and keep fit at home.

Our benefit from the advancement of the technology a lot and we also use technology to develop our society.


Jones, B. J. (1990). Computer Graphics: Effects of Origins. LEONARDO: Digital Image – Digital Cinema Supplemental Issue, pp. 21-30.

Art, Technology, & Games

During the TED talk, Jane McGonigal, a game designer, explain the positive side of game and how she tries to use the online game to save the world.

It’s interesting that she use the example of some online game. Like Superstruct or World Bank Institute, those game was called “world-saving game.” Jane said she released the “run out of oil “game online and then track down the result of their gamer. “Most of our players have kept up the habits that they learned in this game.” Jane said. This is brilliant result. I always heard the bad work about the online game. I also got a lots of friends indulge in the online game so that the game would affect their study. However, I think those positive game should be spread. The game like “RUN OF OIL” is an educational game and it can promote positive and helpful information to people.

On the other hand, I worry about that the people would lose themselves in game world. Jane use other game designer’s word that “because gamers can achieve more in online worlds than they can in real life. They can have stronger social relationships in games than they can have in real life; they get better feedback and feel more rewarded in games than they do in real life. So, he says for now it makes perfect sense for gamers to spend more time in virtual worlds than the real world.” If people adapt to the virtual world and investing so much time into the online work, how should we do? Some people would think online world can give a better live for them and then they would lose in the virtual world. We can deny that the online game have a lot of down side. Is there any way we can control people that they would not indulge into the virtual world?


Check the video here: