Life Values Assessment




Personal Development






Personal Accomplishment













Today (Sunday April 13, 2014) I did not have any classes, but I did have work from 10am and got off around 2:30pm. After work, I stayed home to do laundry and do homework. When I’ve decided that I have completed a sufficient amount of homework I will go workout then to the grocery store then make dinner, shower, do some more homework, and then go to bed. Overall I would say that some of the values from the list of 20 were represented, for example: wealth, health, personal development, integrity, independence, and personal accomplishment.

My top five values are listed above and wealth, health, personal development, and integrity were show cased in some of the activities I did today. Wealth was shown because I had to go to work to make money, of course. Health was represented in my day because I worked out and went to the grocery store to buy ingredients to make meal prep and salad. Personal development was shown throughout the entire day because I was productive and got things done. Integrity was shown because I spent a great deal of my day completing as much homework as I could.

A lot of my belief patterns were inherited from my family. I am family oriented and raised a certain way. Most of the things I do are things I learned from someone in my family, especially my mom. I can’t really pinpoint any belief patterns that I know of that aren’t valid but still holds authority. There are many goals that I have set for myself that I have yet to accomplish which includes things like get my Bachelors of Science, attend and graduate from grad school, be successful, raise a family, and travel the world. These are very broad goals I have set but I made them like that in order for me to want to accomplish a lot of things. The only things that really stands between my goals and I include time and personal motivation. Sometimes when I’ve been working hard constantly, I lose some motivation and that’s where I just have to “keep my eyes on the prize” and stay focused.


Before reading this weeks unit readings, I thought of values as just personal guidelines and even though I am not wrong, there is so much more to the topic. The excerpt that we were required to read this week explained values to be “synonymous with personal evaluations and related beliefs” (Lewis 1990). I believe that this is a good way to think about what values are, since simply values are based on what an individual believes and follows which influence how a person behaves or how they see themselves. An individual will set their values as they grow up; this is also when they are influenced by factors in the person’s surroundings. Some of these factors may include parental upbringing, religion, school, family, and culture. On the other hand, the excerpt introduces and talks about six different mental modes; there are four basic mental modes and two synthetic mental modes. In the excerpt, Lewis explains that the four basic mental modes include sense experience, deductive logic, emotion, and intuition whereas the two synthetic mental modes are authority and ‘science’ (1990). The way I see it, the four mental modes are all internal modes and are how we think, sense, and feel whereas the two synthetic modes are things we learn and encounter as we grow up.

It is believed that the factors within a person’s surroundings will morph an individual’s value(s) by influencing the person’s mental modes. I would agree with the previous statement because a person will develop their values based on how they grow up. For example, someone who grew up with one parent, has one sibling, and is religious will most likely have different values compared to someone who grew up with two parents, five siblings, doesn’t follow a particular religion, and was home-schooled; all because of how they grew up. In conclusion, this is why everyone has their own values because no one grows up the same or has the same childhood.

The author of the excerpt claims that all six modes must be somewhat co-dominant to one another to avoid bias or one sided-values. This is true since all six mental modes together create us, metaphorically speaking. When one mental mode is made dominant over the others, the persons values will be one sided and although it isn’t technically wrong, since there is no such thing as a bad value, their value is will not be “well rounded”. Someone who balances all six mental modes will most likely have values that are well rounded because they take all parts into account when developing or choosing their values.

In the end, everyone has/chooses their own values and is entitled to those values.