People Watching

The first person I chose to write about is what I feel like is a laid back kid. He is sitting down on his computer in the EMU. He is wearing a black Hurley hat, a white billabong t-shirt, blue jeans, and a pair of vans. At first he was alone, but about 5-10 minutes after he sat down at a table, a girl came and joined him. I feel that he is possibly very friendly and happy because he is constantly smiling. I also believe that he values education and being successful because him and his friend seemed to have been working together to complete an assignment. Based on his dress I would believe that he is around 19 or 20 years old, probably a freshman at U of O. He is obviously of white decent because of his skin color and a male. Because I try not to judge or make negative assumptions of people, I feel as if my assumptions are very superficial to his appearance. I didn’t make any stereotypical assumptions based on his dress, skin color, etc.

This second person is walking past the Lillis business complex wearing a really baggy type of what looks like a hemp poncho with loose fitting pants and what I call “Jesus sandals”. This maybe a stereotypical judgment, and I rarely do this, but I would believe that this person is a hippie. I say this because based on what she is wearing she gives off this sense of stress free and happiness. She had ear buds in and was just jamming to whatever she was listening to, she didn’t care that people were around or watching her. I feel as if she is the type of person that values life itself and just wants to be happy. She also had what seemed as little dreads in her hair and what looked like a nose piercing. I assumed that she was about 20, maybe 21 years of age and she was obviously of white decent because of her skin color. Again, I would say that my assumptions were superficial and didn’t make any real judgments on who she was just based on appearance.

This might be weird but I’ve noticed this person because he’s in my music class, he really caught my eye, and this is the perfect assignment to write about him. Like I said, he’s in my music class and every lecture he wears some type of suit. I thought this was very interesting and the first thought that popped into my head was that he’s “dressing for success”. This leads me to believe that he values his education and wants to be successful. I also noticed that he often asks questions during lecture. Because he dresses in some type of suit I would say that he’s from a well off family and is from white decent because of his skin color. Although I know that he’s probably around my age, between 19-21, because he wears a suit people would assume that he’s of an older age. I applaud him for taking initiative to become successful because success is something I also value and want in the future. I mean who doesn’t want to be successful right? Isn’t that why we are in college?