The Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society has presented Thomas Greenbowe with the James Flack Norris Award for Outstanding Achievement in the Teaching of Chemistry.
The award honors “an educator who is both an excellent classroom teacher and whose professional activities have had a wide-ranging effect on chemical education.” The Norris Award is one of the oldest national awards of the American Chemical Society, and is presented by the ACS Northeastern Section in Boston annually in November.
The ACS Awards Committee cited Greenbowe’s research and development activities on visualization of molecular and atomic phenomena and the use of inquiry strategies in instruction having a tremendous positive impact nationally and internationally in the areas of multimedia instruction, chemistry problem-solving and conceptual understanding, and structuring guided-inquiry laboratory activities as the basis for the award.
The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is pleased to welcome Thomas Greenbowe to the faculty beginning winter term, 2015. He comes to the UO from Iowa State University, where he was a Professor of Chemistry, Coordinator of the General Chemistry program, and Professor of Curriculum & Instruction.