The squaraine project had a well-received debut at the virtual MRS meeting today. Thanks to Zach, Laura, and Aine for their work on the MRS Advances manuscript that accompanied this talk. Many thanks to Profs. Natalie Banerji, Ilaria Bargigia, Carlos Silva, and Mark Wilson for organizing an exciting symposium, and for taking the time to set up a virtual session for those of us who didn’t travel to Boston.
Hooray! A huge congratulations to James on his fantastic talk and successful defense of his Ph.D. thesis! James was one of our first graduate students, and it has been a pleasure to watch him develop into such a fantastic scientist. Here’s Happy James, celebrating his defense!
Thanks to Mississippi State and my host, Prof. Neeraj Rai, for the invitation to visit their Center for Emergent Molecular Optoelectronics. It was great to meet your faculty and see some of the great work being done in your Center. Really exciting stuff!
A big welcome to Logan, a freshman who will be joining our lab to help us learn more about using small-angle x-ray scattering to study nanocrystals. We’re all looking forward to working with you!
Thanks to the University of Geneva and my host, Prof. Taki Adachi, for the invitation to give a seminar in their Department of Chemistry!
It has been a great few years here in Eugene, and it was really fun to be able to present some of the work we’ve done to our community here. It was a rare chance to present our students’ work while they’re sitting there in the audience! Truly grateful for all of the great students I’ve had the chance to work with over the years. I collected all their photos for my acknowledgements slide, and really can’t thank them enough.
Thanks to Prof. David Blank for hosting my remote visit to the University of Minnesota. It was a pleasure to meet some of the faculty there, and particularly fun to have some great interactions with a few of their gradstudents! Hopefully I’ll get to visit Minnesota in person some day!
James’ new perspective article, Just Scratching the Surface: In Situ and Surface-Specific Characterization of Perovskite Nanocrystal Growth, discusses the advances needed to gain a deeper insight into perovskite nanocrystal surfaces. From the 64+ ACS journals, a single article is chosen each day as the ACS Editors’ Choice, and we are excited that James’ work has been selected. Congratulations James!
Thanks to Prof. Qiang Cui for the invitation to give a physical chemistry seminar at BU. I had some great interactions with the faculty there. Maybe someday I will get to meet them all in-person!
Many thanks to Prof. Shunji Egusa and the physics department at UNC Charlotte for the seminar invitation. It was fun to interact with all of the terrific students who attended!