Zach, Aine, and Alyssa’s work presented in Telluride

Many thanks to Suggy Jang and Chris Bardeen for the invitation to speak at the Telluride Science Research Conference on Spatio-Temporal Dynamics of Excitons: Bridging the Gap Between Quantum Mechanics and Applications. Zach, Aine, and Alyssa’s work to understand how squaraine molecules behave during thermal annealing was well-received. Thanks for the hard work, team!

Logan is awarded a P-chem Undergraduate Fellowship!

A big congrats to Logan on being awarded the P-chem Undergraduate Fellowship to support his research over the summer! Logan will be working on his paper detailing his simulations of halide segregation in perovskite nanocrystals, and working on using our powerful new 405 nm laser to actually perform some halide segregation experiments in the lab. Great job, Logan!

Aiden is awarded a Future Ready Oregon summer internship

Congrats to our new undergraduate researcher, Aiden, on being awarded a Future Ready Oregon summer internship! Aiden will be working on our darkfield microscope to characterize some organic thin films. Looking forward to a fun summer!

New undergrad researcher Aiden joins the lab

We’re happy to welcome Aiden Ryan to our lab as an undergrad researcher. Aiden will be working on developing the darkfield microscope to measure the electronic structure at domain boundaries in organic thin films. Looking forward to working with you, Aiden!

Welcome to Galfo and Racheal

A big welcome to our rotation students for Spring quarter, Rachel Galfo and Racheal Fisher. Galfo will be working on measuring perovskite nanocrystals during their synthesis with her mentor Laila, while Racheal will be doing some thermal annealing studies with her mentor, Zach. Looking forward to a productive quarter with you both!

Weston joins the lab as an undergraduate researcher

A big welcome to Weston Bodle, who is joining our lab group as an undergraduate researcher. Weston is a junior who will be working with Zach on the copper phthalocyanine project, trying to understand what happens to these molecules when they are deposited from solution into a film. We’re all looking forward to working with you, Weston!

Welcome to Alyssa and Adam

A big welcome to our new rotation students, Alyssa and Adam. Alyssa will be working on building a Hamiltonian to simulate the electronic structure of squaraine molecules with Zach, while Adam will work on establishing a new synthetic method for perovskite nanocrystals with Laila. We’re excited to work with them!

New funding from ACS PRF!

We are grateful that our recent proposal to the American Chemical Society’s Petroleum Research Fund was awarded funding! We will be pursuing a project to develop new optical probes to measure asphaltene molecules during their aggregation.

Zach, Aine, and Nick present their work at Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science conference

Congratulations to Zach, Aine, and Nick on their successful posters at Optica’s Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science conference in Tacoma this week. A particularly large congrats go to Aine and Nick, who presented at a conference for the first time! Great job to the whole organics team!

Michael’s work on halide segregation in perovskite nanocrystals is published in JPCL

A huge congratulations to Michael, James, and Laila for publishing their work on halide segregation in perovskite nanocrystals in J. Phys. Chem. Letters! Michael performed some excruciatingly difficult measurements on perovskite nanocrystals after halide segregation, trapping them in a segregated state and using a traditional transient absorption spectrometer to find that their Auger recombination rates increased. Michael modeled the wavefunctions in nanocrystals as a function of their halide distributions to find that in a NC comprised of both iodides and bromides, the iodides must be segregating to the core of the NC, as opposed to segregating to its surface. This means that it’s likely the strain induced by the exciton that is causing halide segregation, not just individual iodides migrating to the surface – a surprise to all of us! Congrats, Michael!

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