A warm welcome to Evan Stern and Dario Nunez, new graduate students who will be joining our group for the rest of the summer through the Early Start program and continue on with us through Fall quarter. Stern will be working on understanding copper phthalocynanine aggregation into nanoribbons and their interaction with electron acceptors, while Dario will be doing some experiments to gain insight into how perovskite nanocrystals nucleate and grow. We’re so glad we get a few extra weeks with you this summer – welcome!
Many thanks to the Cinvestav Physics and Nanoscience departments for hosting my visit to the Cinvestav Research Institute in Mexico City. It was great fun to give a lecture to your Advanced Summer School in Physics, and share my research with your Nanoscience department. We are looking forward to fruitful collaborations on perovskite film formation! Afterwards, I bumped into some of the summer school students in front of Mexico City’s center for fine arts, pictured.
A big congrats to Laila and Logan whose poster was chosen as one of the two best at Nanocrystals Northwest this week! They were awarded the opportunity to present their work in a rapidly-prepared oral presentation, and they received excellent feedback! Laila’s hard work leading up to the conference led to a significant advance for the project, assisted by Logan and Peter. Great job, team!
We are excited to work with Peter Carlson this summer, who is joining our REU program from U. Minnesota. Peter will be working with Laila on a project to better understand the mechanism of perovskite nanocrystal growth. We’re all looking forward to working with you, Peter!
A huge congratulations to Zach, who was selected for a Graduate Student Award for Excellence in the Teaching of Chemistry! Zach won the award based on his phenomenal work as a teaching assistant for the physical chemistry laboratory course, where he took on two of the most difficult labs on darkfield microscopy and rovibrational spectroscopy. Thank you for all you do for our undergraduate students, Zach!
Congratulations to Nick, who was awarded the Baitis Undergraduate Fellowship! This fellowship will support Nick’s work on copper phthalocyanine over the summer. Well-deserved, Nick!
A big congrats to Logan on being awarded the Kuntz-Swinehart Memorial Scholarship. Keep up the great work, Logan!
Congrats to Nick who was awarded this year’s Pchem Undergraduate Fellowship! He will be studying the photophysics that accompany the molecular aggregation of copper phthalocyanine molecules and how they interact with electron acceptors. Great job, Nick!
Many thanks to Chris Greico for hosting my seminar visit to Auburn University. It was a treat to meet Chris, his growing lab group, and some of the Auburn faculty!
A big welcome to Elana and Benjamin! The lab is super excited to work with these two stellar first-year gradstudents this term. Elana will be joining Zach and Nick on the CuPc project to understand how film morphology affects charge transfer, while Benjamin will develop a simulation of halide segregation in perovskite nanocrystals and shadow Laila in the lab. It’s going to be a great quarter with these two!