We have a laser!

Thanks to Adam at Coherent for helping us install our new Astrella ultrafast laser system! Time to do some science!

Welcome Kira and Marc

We’re happy to welcome our first rotation students! We are looking forward to working with Kira and Marc during Winter quarter on building our transient absorption setup, and some Monte Carlo simulations.

Laser tables installed

Our laser lab is now officially ready for a laser. Thanks to the guys in the Machine Shop and Denise at Campus Ops for helping us move and install these beasts!

Laser Lab open for business

Our (deceptively fancy) big empty room is officially ready for science! Thanks to Denise at UO Campus Ops for managing our renovation project! Come visit us in the basement of Klamath Hall in B61.

Welcome Kelly!

Kelly is the first intrepid gradstudent to join the Wong Lab, and will work on designing and building our in situ transient absorption spectrometer! Thanks for joining the team, Kelly!

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