Archive of ‘Uncategorized’ category

Nick wins Pchem Undergraduate Fellowship

Congrats to Nick who was awarded this year’s Pchem Undergraduate Fellowship! He will be studying the photophysics that accompany the molecular aggregation of copper phthalocyanine molecules and how they interact with electron acceptors. Great job, Nick!

A fun trip to Auburn University

Many thanks to Chris Greico for hosting my seminar visit to Auburn University. It was a treat to meet Chris, his growing lab group, and some of the Auburn faculty!

Welcome Elana and Benjamin

A big welcome to Elana and Benjamin! The lab is super excited to work with these two stellar first-year gradstudents this term. Elana will be joining Zach and Nick on the CuPc project to understand how film morphology affects charge transfer, while Benjamin will develop a simulation of halide segregation in perovskite nanocrystals and shadow Laila in the lab. It’s going to be a great quarter with these two!

Welcome to Nick, our newest undergrad researcher

The lab is very excited to welcome Nick! After a productive and impressive lab-trial, Nick will be joining the Organics team to work on the CuPc project with Zach. We’re thrilled to have him on board!

Welcome to Parker

A warm welcome to Parker Brodale, who will be joining the group as a rotation student this quarter. He will be working with Zach to do some measurements of organic polymers during thermal annealing. Welcome, Parker!

Good luck Marty!

Marty, our intrepid recent graduate, is leaving the lab after many years of great work developing our white-light generation apparatus and doing a huge number of nanocrystal experiments. We will miss his awesome literature reviews at group meetings, his legendary dependability, and of course his friendship. We wish him well as he moves back to California to become an Optical Engineer at Maztech Industries. Keep in touch, Marty!

Laura leaves for gradschool

We say thanks and bid a fond farewell to Laura, who is leaving our lab to start her graduate career in Stanford’s Chemistry Department. Laura has played a leading role on Team Squaraines, working on building a kinetic model that can reproduce the SSTA data she helped measure during thermal annealing. We will miss both Laura and her famous ‘Cathy Aliens’! Best of luck at Stanford, and we look forward to seeing all the great work she’ll do as a graduate student.

Congrats to Dr Michael Crawford!

A huge congratulations to Michael on the successful defense of his thesis, “Influencing Halide Segregation in Perovskite Nanocrystals via Surface Treatment”. Michael presented a wonderfully clear and fascinating seminar on his thesis work. We wish him luck as he starts his new position as faculty in the Chemistry Department at Truman State University! Congratulations, Michael!

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