July 2021 archive

Good luck, Brandon!

Today was Brandon’s last official day in our group, before he heads off to pursue his doctorate at UIUC. We will miss Brandon, his endless supply of interesting trivia, his amazing food at our potlucks, and his interesting wardrobe, which always kept us guessing! We’re thankful for all he has contributed to the lab, and we’re looking forward to seeing all of the great science he does at UIUC!

Laura is awarded the Anita and Friedhelm Baitis Scholarship!

A big congrats to Laura, who was selected for the Anita and Friedhelm Baitis Scholarship! Laura was one of only two awardees from the Chemistry Department this year. This is a well-earned recognition of Laura’s stellar academic work at UO, and will support her research in the lab this summer. Looking forward to a fun summer and seeing everything Laura can achieve! Read more about it here.