February 2021 archive

A fun seminar visit to Missouri State University

Thanks to Prof. Tiglet Besera for the invitation to virtually visit Missouri State University’s Physics Department for a seminar. It was great to have a chance to share our work with their faculty and students.

Congrats to Zach on passing his qualifying exam!

Zach did a masterful job of presenting his research during his qualifying exam, passing with flying colors. All the studying paid off! Great job, Zach, and to the entire group for helping him prepare – go team!

Thanks to Inha University for a great visit

Thank you to Prof. Jeongho Kim for the invitation to present our work at their 1st International Symposium on Smart Materials and Process towards Sustainable Future. The Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering at Inha University was a great place to remotely visit. Thank you for the chance to share our work with all of your students!