Kelly’s experiments and Morgan’s simulations were both highlighted at the remote MRS conference this week. Thanks to Brian Collins, Aram Amassian, Eva Hertzig, and Xiaodan Gu who organized the “New Materials Design for Organic Semiconductors Through Multimodel Characterization and Computational Techniques” symposium and for the invitation to give a live keynote presentation. It was a fun symposium with an exciting series of talks!
Congratulations to Dr Kelly Wilson on successfully defending his dissertation! We wish Kelly the best of luck as he moves to Texas to start his postdoc at UT Austin. We will miss you!
We received some great feedback at a presentation at Ultrafast Phenomena on the measurements spearheaded by James with assistance from Kelly and Michael on perovskite nanocrystals during their growth. Thanks to the organizers for putting together an engaging symposium.
Thanks to Wayne State’s Department of Chemistry for a fun remote visit, particularly to my host Aaron Rury and the great crew of students who joined me for lunch!