James, Kelly, and Michael’s work is published in Frontiers in Chemistry
A big congratulations to James, Kelly, and Michael on the publication of their latest work in a special issue of Frontiers in Chemistry on Integrating Timescales from Molecules Up. Their manuscript, titled “Evolving Stark Effect During Growth of Perovskite Nanocrystals Measured Using Transient Absorption” details how they used SSTA to measure methylammonium lead halide perovskite nanocrystals during their synthesis. The lineshapes that they observe while the nanocrystals are still immature disappear by the time the nanocrystals are fully grown. James was able to fit these lineshapes to a Stark shift caused by trapped carriers on the surface, showing that he can use SSTA to monitor the quality of the nanocrystal surface during their synthesis. Really awesome work!