March 20, 2017 Conference Delves into How Media Permeates Everyday Life (Around the O)
March 21, 2017 Panel on Cyborgs at U of O’s What is Media 2: What is Life? (CaseOrganic)
May 2017 Recap: Regional Event (Robert Bosch Foundation)
December 2017 School of Journalism and Communication 2017 Yearbook (UO SOJC)
#whatislife2017 (Twitter) | #whatislife2017 (Instagram)
Today's the day! WHAT IS LIFE? Conference-Experience April 6-8 at UO-Portland Visit for more. #whatislife2017
— UO Journalism & Comm (@UOsojc) April 6, 2017
We have trees exhibited alongside #DaVinci! Opens tonight 7pm. White Stag Block 70 NW Couch #portland #bonsai #whatislife2017
— Bonsai Mirai (@bonsai_mirai) April 6, 2017
Fritjof Capra opens #whatislife2017 with clear presentation of systems view of life
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 7, 2017
Capra: creativity is inherent in all of life #whatislife2017
— Julianne Newton (@juliannen) April 7, 2017
Beautiful bonsai at the SOJC "What is Life?" opening reception in Portland tonight! #whatislife2017 @UOsojc
— Connie Chandler (@BeKnownTrusted) April 7, 2017
At @uoregon What is Life Conf @juspar urges us to not just focus on the Internet of Things, but the Junkyard of Things. #whatislife2017 #iot
— ✨ Amber Case ✨ (@caseorganic) April 7, 2017
#whatislife2017 University of Oregon in Portland
— Christine Brautigam (@cb_tweet) April 7, 2017
Check out this incredible #hollywoodjuniper at the White Stag Block in #portland! #miraistyle #bonsai #design
— Bonsai Mirai (@bonsai_mirai) April 7, 2017
— Kris Casey (@kris_casey) April 7, 2017
Tana Atchley and Ashley Cordes share terrific insights on Native American life at @UOsojc #WhatIsLife? Conference.
— Charlie Butler (@charliebutts) April 7, 2017
— Christine Brautigam (@cb_tweet) April 7, 2017
"Think about the body instead like a national park" 🌳on the microbiome, Brendan Bohannon #whatislife2017
— christie (@christielouwho) April 7, 2017
— Kris Casey (@kris_casey) April 7, 2017
Is this the real life or is this just fantasy? #whatislife2017
— Kris Casey (@kris_casey) April 8, 2017
Pondering my own "intellectual grandparents" now 🤔#whatislife2017
— shelby stanovsek (@shelbstana) April 10, 2017
We need more slow news @peterlaufer and solutions journalism @KathrynTRex Virtually from Italy @lshontz to Portland @UOsojc #whatislife2017
— Juan-Carlos Molleda (@GlobalPRMolleda) April 8, 2017
Tech makes us fast, but maybe it'll help us be slow. Talking Slow News with a panel at in Perugia during PDX's #whatislife2017 conference.
— marquisb (@marquisb) April 8, 2017
Embodied meaning in Singing In The Rain – Singing In The Rain with Gene Kelly #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 9, 2017
LOVED Mark Johnson's charming plenary talk on the aesthetics of body; "the most primordially meaningful structures we have" #whatislife2017
— shelby stanovsek (@shelbstana) April 10, 2017
The intersection among media literacy, knowledge & critical thinking = essential combination needed today @UOsojc 7th annual #whatislife2017
— Juan-Carlos Molleda (@GlobalPRMolleda) April 8, 2017
Happy to see @divinameigs & Jim Potter at #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
And "We need to move from an internet of things #IoT to an internet of citizens" – Divina Frau-Meigs #whatislife2017 #medialiteracy
— Justin Francese (@JustinFrancese) April 10, 2017
Being human is an achievement-it takes work;emerges w embodiment w each other & environ. Need to create space for "selfing" #whatislife2017
— shelby stanovsek (@shelbstana) April 10, 2017
So excited to hear from @reneehobbs at #whatislife2017
— Prof. Ash (@prof_ash1) April 8, 2017
Renee Hobbes, media literacy expert hitting home run at #whatislife2017
— Donnalyn Pompper (@dpompper) April 8, 2017
How do we become present to be part of the design to achieve the kinds of goals we want as people? (Media lit panel) #whatislife2017
— shelby stanovsek (@shelbstana) April 10, 2017
Learn about the history of the media industry's involvement in media literacy education #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
Reading/writing program of @UOsojc &@uoeducation inspired by@EstherWojcicki. Reserved mentorship 4better education#whatislife2017 @edmadison
— Juan-Carlos Molleda (@GlobalPRMolleda) April 8, 2017
Turkish educators have complex motivations for advancing digital & #medialiteracy education #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
Walked away from media literacy panel with much to ponder.. challenge: "you can't convince someone by giving them a fact" #whatislife2017
— shelby stanovsek (@shelbstana) April 10, 2017
Now live tweeting the virtual @rushkoff at #whatislife2017 in Portland OR
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
Corporations extract value through scale: economic history reveals the limitations of velocity-based enterprises @rushkoff #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
Wired Magazine re-contextualized digital media as creating a new era for infinite corporate media expansion, says @rushkoff #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
People are valued only for the data they provide, says @rushkoff #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
Thanks @rushkoff for #dreamingforward & helping imagine a way to redistribute economic power through platform cooperatives #whatislife2017
— Renee Hobbs (@reneehobbs) April 8, 2017
Many thanks to @Chandler9Connie for organizing CSR panel at #WhatIsLife2017 @SOJCPR
— Donnalyn Pompper (@dpompper) April 16, 2017
sojc #whatislife2017 was a wonderful contribution to life
— david koranda (@dk97403) April 10, 2017