Oregon is a volcanic wonderland, not only in terms of physical features, but also because of the abundance of volcano-brainpower in the area. We feel that it is time that Oregonian volcanology graduate and undergraduate students tear down the walls of separation imposed by just short distances apart, and all become better acquainted with each other!
We are pleased to introduce the start of annual Volcanology Students of Oregon (“Volc-OR”) conferences! Volc-OR aims to bring together graduate and undergraduate students from Portland State University, Oregon State University, the University of Oregon, and other regional universities whose research relates broadly to volcanology (e.g. physical volcanology, igneous petrology, economic geology, volcano geomorphology, geophysics, etc.). We plan for the Volc-OR meeting to rotate each year between these three largest schools in Oregon: OSU, PSU, and UO. As a more informal complement to major national scientific meetings, we hope that this small student-centric and student-led meeting will provide focused and relevant learning experiences and discussion, and foster new connections, collaborations, and friendships.
Importantly, we feel that we can all be taking better advantage of our shared interests and close proximity with one another to bolster research ideas and access to analytical facilities. Through meetings and general volcanophile camaraderie, Volc-OR’s goal is to build these bridges to meet your neighboring students and faculty!
All comments and queries can be directed to volcstudentsoforegon@gmail.com
And we are social! Visit us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/Volc_OR/ #volcor2018