Welcome Back Ducks!

Welcome back to Spring Term Ducks!

In case you missed our first meeting of the term lets recap what we did!

  • Exec elections are coming up soon if you want to know more about the positions talk to one of the members after a meeting and they will be happy to answer any of your questions.
  • Also remember to save the date! May 15th is the day of the Black Tie Dinner. The theme is Spain and we will be exploring more about the culture through food, music, and great speakers. You will also get the chance to network with local professionals.
  • Later on we had a simulation in which members were broken up into five groups and given supplies to make a city. While doing this an exec member would go around to “observe” and take something without their knowledge. At the end one of the groups had most (if not all) of the supplies, while the rest of the groups struggled to put their cities together. This was to demonstrate the way in which business is conducted globally with one group being the “richest” or a first world country and the other groups representing second or third world countries that provide resources.

Make sure to follow us on social media, and we will see you for our week 4 meeting!

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