Fall Term Cometh (or I guess it’s actually here already)

September 27, 2012 September 27, 2012
Posted in Events
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Fall term is here, classes have begun, and Think.Play is back in the swing of things. Last week we teamed up with UO Libraries and campus Event Services to host some gaming goodness at InterMingle. Big City Gamin’ seriously represented, providing prizes to the top three finishers in our N64 Smash tournament, including a cool […]

Prototype Tripping

November 11, 2011 November 11, 2011
Posted in Thoughts
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Gaijin Games’ superb Bit.Trip series of games has established itself as a pixelated chip-tuned pillar of the indie universe. Splitting time between the PC and Wii platforms, Bit.Trip reminds us that good design makes good games with or without photorealistic graphics, complex artificial intelligence, complicated control schemes, and many other of the systems that we […]

Donkey Kong and the archival record

July 7, 2011 July 7, 2011
Posted in Thoughts
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There is a great article over at Gamasutra regarding the development and production of Nintendo’s Donkey Kong arcade cabinets. The concept of uncredited “ghost” developers isn’t new, but it’s rare for it to invade the history of such a thoroughly-canonized game as Donkey Kong. Lots of food for thought across disciplines: it cuts right into […]

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