Winter Term Updates

Hey all! Jon here, and today I want to give you a quick update about recent Think.Play happenings.

Last Wednesday was a play day commemorating Mega Man’s 26th anniversary. Eder felt that Capcom didn’t celebrate the Mega Man franchise enough last year, so we continued the party by playing the X series on Gamecube, Mega Man Legends on PS2, and Mega Man 9 and 10 on the Wii U.

Mega Man Happy 25th Picture

This, but 26 of course.

The week before that, Iris Bull helped us explore the possible close relationship earnings management has with games. We also talked a bit about how debt free expenditure in games simulates and perhaps perpetuates the masculine defined existence of financial institutions. Very interesting stuff!

Finance meme

I’ll let you be the judge of this pictures relevance.

That was my quick recap of the last two weeks. Join us next week where we will be looking at where the game industry is heading in the near future.

One Response to “Winter Term Updates”

  1.   carrie stafford Says:

    hi! i’m from JSO and im trying to contact UO Think.Play! we wanted to try to collaborate on a future super smash bros event – if theres any interest! email me 🙂

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