Here are the accomplishments and updates for the last month. Please stay tuned for more information coming about our road show and training!
Keeping the UO community updated on the TeamDynamix project progression
Keeping the UO community updated on the TeamDynamix project progression
Here are the accomplishments and status for the project as of Monday, 12/19/2016:
Additionally, here is a summary of the status of each deliverable within the project plan:
As a quick review of other items/milestones that may be interesting:
Project status updates will be posted monthly on Monday by the close of business starting 11/21/2016 for the duration of the project. Each status update will contain:
Stakeholder Group:
Steering Committee – TBD
Super User/Early Adopter group – representatives from (licensing allowing):
As a clarification, these are proposed areas for representation. Our licensing is currently limited and will inform how many people can participate in the super user/early adopter group.
All dates are currently TBD, but the project team has set a general goal of no later than the end of calendar 2017 for phase 1 implementation.